Thursday, 29 January 2009
Some final words...
I may have gone, but I have not forgotten the original purpose of this class: to write a long piece (fiction or non-fiction) that you can look back and be proud of! Please find the time to post your long piece on this website and I promise to check it and give feedback. As with all writing, there has to be a deadline - all serious writers abide by deadlines. Your deadline is a week from today.
Don't forget to:
1. Put your name and email address to the piece.
2. Please comment on other's submissions.
Thanks for being a great class! Good luck and best wishes in the future.
Short blog about Seolnal
My father's hometown is "Cheong-Ju" in Choongcheongdo(?) province.
We left our home 6:30 a.m. on last Sunday.
It took almost 6 hours to get my grandparents house.
Actually it takes only 2 hours.
There was a big snow storm, it made a terrible traffic jam more in holidays.
However, only the outsides look awesome, it made me feel like I was in Swiss.
I had a great time with my relatives except too much wash-dishes.
When we back to Seoul, it also took almost 6 hours.
I love traditional holidays but I don't want to stay in a car anymore.
by Sunyoung
Consider the weak as if they were my mother!
Frankly speaking, I don't like so-called holidays including lunar new year.
Maybe that's just because I am obliged to eat too much.
(I exceedingly hate overeating in the world.)^^
When I went to see my mother at the lunar new year,
all that I did was just to cleanse the refrigerator except surfeit.
Actually, my mother has a genius for two things.
One is to love flowering plants.
(Any plant shall become flesh and beautiful with her care like a magic.)
And the other is to spoil foods in the refrigerator.
(I wonder if she feels disgusted even at eating itself,
though she makes almost desperate efforts to have me eat.)
I cannot imagine her without flower plants.
However, it has been difficult for me to understand her genius
for spoiling refrigerator since long times ago.
Now I realize that to understand someone is one thing
and to love someone is another.
I really love my mother despite her incomprehensible habit.
The point might be such a learning that
"Consider the weak as if they were my mother!"
I believe this is the most precious present
last Lunar New Year gave to me...
Of course, I am willing to cleanse the refrigerator,
probably on the next Korean Thanksgiving Day.ㅋㅋ
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Sehebok Mani Paduseyo!
Well done on the successful completion of your first blogging challenge! For those of you haven't done so yet, here is your second chance. The second of your blogging challenges has two parts:
1. Read through the other members blogs and comment on at least three of them.
2. Write a quick blog about Seollal (Lunar New Year).
Also, a quick reminder, next week is our last lesson together but that doesn't mean that I won't be passing on instructions to your next teacher about your long writing assignment for the end of this course, so by next week I'd like to see a first draft.
Anyway, have a great new New Year!
Two campuses of Hanyang University
If you visit there, you may be surprised with a quite diffrent view with a Seoul campus of Hanyang Univ. There are only few students and not too many buildings and cars.
It is not a busy campus like a Seoul campus.

I think this is one of the precious souvenir goods of our school.

Some of buildings have weird structures ; a lobby floor is 3rd floor usally and bridges between buildings.
It makes freshmen and visitors lost in a building or on the road with missing their directions.
It is too bad. I hope they find how beautiful a campus of our school. In a day, we can miss it because of so many students and buildings. If they stay until sunset even, they could find a
glittering campus in a darkness like below two pictures.
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
It's raining men Young-shim
Thank you.
Cafeteria in Hanyang University - Dong Yeop
Today I want to give you information about cafeteria in HY and recommend one.

Above map indicates the location of cafeterias. There are 8 cafeterias in the map, but I am not sure. There may be more cafeterias which are not posted in the picture.
All cafeterias are opened to anyone. From now, let's see the merits and demerits of each cafeteria. Of course, these comments truly came from my opinion.
For students:
1. Student's Cafeteria - Student Welfare Building, 3rd floor
This is the most common and cheap cafeteria. It serves many menus and wide lounge. You can eat your meal easily. However, some meals are not delicious. You should choose a meal deliberately.
Best choice: Cheese Donkas
2. Sarangbang - Student Union Building, 3rd floor
This is another common cafeteria for students. Like student's Cafeteria, Sarangbang gives reasonable price and normal favored meal. But, not delicious, either.
Best choice: Bibimbab, Ddeokkuk
3. Chinese Cafeteria – Student Union Building, 6th floor
Chinese style meals are served. You can take lunch and dinner for reasonable price. The Chinese Cafeteria gives the most delicious meals with low price, I think.
Best choice: Sundubuchigae, Bbokumbab
4. New Student’s Cafeteria
Low price regular meals served for students. It is the worst cafeteria in HY Univ. I think. The meals are not delicious and the number of side dishes is lower than other cafeterias which serve for students.
For faculties:
5. Cafeteria for Faculty – College of Human Ecology, 7th floor
It is the highest cafeteria in HY Univ. Enjoy your meal with skyline view. The price is higher than the price of cafeteria for students, but you will satisfy your meal with the view and the quality of meal. A demerit is that it is so crowded. Menu is changed everyday, but periodically.
6. New Cafeteria for Faculty – Advanced Materials & Chemical Engineering Building, 7th floor
Many engineering club members use this cafeteria because they can get there easily. There are two menus every lunch time. You have to check the menus because some meals are so poor despite high price. Menu is changed everyday, but periodically.
7. Cafeteria in Hanyang Women’s College – Hangwon Square, Base floor
It is the most new cafeteria in HY univ. Most people say that those meals are delious. However, it is located behind, it takes time a lot to go there.
8. Dormitory Dining Room –Student Resident Hall II, 1st floor
It is the best cafeteria where I’ve gone in HY Univ. The price is very low, but the meal is very delicious. You will be surprised about the meal with low price. But, be careful. The meal is changed everyday, so it is needed to check!
For convenice to check the today’s menu of all cafeterias, use below link. :)
From 1 to 6:
For 8:
Hanyang Univ. has a ghost!
Do you think there exists a ghost?
I read a story on a web site , where many people write about their own wierd experiences.
The story said that a ghost appeared somewhere in Hanyang University!
Have you ever been to Materials Engineering building?
In Materials Engineering building, there's a MINI STOP!
A student worked for the convenience store during summer break several years ago- He wrote about his own experience.
It was summer break , so not many students were in HYU and there were no customers in MINI STOP. In addtion, It was rainny.
Suddenly He felt cold and then saw something near large fridges.
It was a girl with a pale face. He thought it was not a living human because it disappeared so quickly.
Can you believe this?
Believe it or not! --;;
Believe it or not..^^

I heard that if we go up or down the right side of stairs we will get "F" score.
Can you see? There is nobady on the right side of stairs in this picture. haha
You can feel their look is unique so there is a fun rumor about this.
There is a Robot inside our library.
So if our country get a war or some troubles, the cylinder cover will open and a Robot will jump out to save us.
Every morning, near to the first class beginning,
You can see, many students are having a hard time to go up this stairs. They are getting out of breath. But it might be make them be healthy.
So sometime we call this stairs "Stamina stairs" instead of 138 stairs.
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Don`t be scared... - from OH RYONG
I`ve just read TJ`s comment, and it was quite interesting~haha!!As I`ve studied in this university for 6 years, so I believed that I knew where everything is within the territory... but I was wrong. I don`t even know the half of them. Maybe I should take a tour again.
Anyway, my story is about 'Wonder Girls' who visited Hanyang University 2 years ago to celebrate the annual festival. Unfortunately, I wasn`t there at that time, so I missed their performance. On the other hand, if I had been there, I would have ended up with being squeezed by other crazy male fans. The video clip below was recorded about the event. When I first saw this, I was totally overwhelmed by such a powerful and ear-cracking shouting(of course by the crazy male fans)... I heard someone said about it, 'Ten thousand of savages roared last night and cracked every building around the theater...'
Somebody might have already seen this video, I believe they felt the same thing that I had.
Well, I could be one of the savages only if I had been there...
Monday, 19 January 2009
Welcome to the SeingMok Writers Club!
1. related in someway to Hanyang
2. related to something you know about and/or are interested in, &
3. interesting!
Good Luck!